
ode to Bonnie

It was one year ago today that we let our Bonnie girl go
Our memorial to Bonnie, the sweetest dog (written Aug 27, 2008)

Our Bonnie
gave us 15 years of her sweetness
She ran like the wind
She was gentle in spirit and soul
She loved other dogs and would be the first from the pack to greet the new arrival. She was so pretty, so dainty, just like a doe in the forest. She was SMART. She loved her brother Micky, may they be together now. She loved her cookies. She loved salmon. She accepted Dewey the CAT into the household no questions asked. She loved us so much. And let it be known that Sam and Isobel helped to take the VERY best care of her from puppyhood to her very last day. Never did Bonnie miss a walk, come rain or shine Sammy and Iso were there for her no matter what.

There were many things Bonnie didn't like:

The proverbial postman
Riding in the car
Going to the vet
Having her nails trimmed

Some things Bonnie did well:

Love us
Run like the wind
Catch a ball

Bonnie lived proudly, majestically, gently. I love her and will miss her greatly. We love you Bonnie, Bon Bon, TaLouLou, LoulaMay, Girl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gabrielle, Peter, Sam and Iso

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