
Press-Gabrielle is urbanmaven, September 2007

"Gabrielle Osborne is urbanmaven. urbanmaven evolved quite naturally; Gabrielle often called an organic designer by friends and family has been cooking, designing, organizing and shopping as a daily routine since the birth of her fist child 22 years ago. Everyone always says 'you're such a great cook', 'such a great baker' 'your home is so lovely'-'you should market your skills'. Thus urbanmaven was born. Gabrielle can help individuals find more pleasure in being at home by taking care of the daily tasks that must get done, or the not so daily tasks. Offering concierge services to the time-starved individual. Essentially, helping individuals reclaim some freedom and time!Gabrielle is passionate about all aspects of home and garden keeping and believes homes need to be our refuges from the busyness of our working lives. Services range from designing the outdoor garden urn, shopping for groceries or that perfect gift, organizing the home office or linen closet."----North Toronto SNAP newspaper September 2007


Anonymous said...

Love the painting of you. Who did it?

Anonymous said...

love the painting of you, who did it?

urbanmaven said...

the comment got published twice
don't know why
the painting was done by my beautiful daughter

Anonymous said...

I really like your site, just found and your recipes are delicious, could you give me any tips on the medicinal qualities of garlic? Ive heard it is a good thing to take in the winter months and yummy also. Thanks.
Loretta Swift
Royal York Toronto